Wood-ED Table es an AR experience in a work station that contains all necessary to carry on with a countless amount of trainings, in this training we use real planks that are tracked by the AR Device to ensure that you are making use of the right positioning and movement.

When the plank is moved along the Table, an AR industrial Tool appears depending on the use case of the Work station to detect how well or bad is the trainee doing.

Is this training useful?

This elegant solution for carpentry literally takes both of both virtual and real worlds, this is an amazing example of when it makes sense to use AR over VR,your hands are tracked in this experience and you are handling the same object that you will be handling in real life,so we can easily detect a possible accident and train the employee so no one gets harmed.the work station also gather statistics about the performance in each training so we could say that this training solution covers both Train and Test employees making of it a excelent training tool.


  • Real touch
  • All-in-on station
  • Stadistics


  • Space required for station


8.2 - 8.2
8.2 - 8.2
8.2 - 8.2
8.2 - 8.2

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